Tahfizul Qur’an (Nurani, Nazera & Hifz)
The Quran is the only book that contains all of Allah's creations. It enlightens the human mind and guides him to the path of righteousness. And Tahfiz is a source of inspiration and motivation to all Muslims, both old and young. It should be one of the main reasons to read this book. We want and strive to make our students Huffazul Quran who will prove to be capable as leaders to lead the Islamic world with the guidance received from the holy Quran. We focus on producing the Huffazul Quran of international standard with the help of a dedicated faculty with expertise in the same.
Qur’anic language, Shariah, Islamic Studies & Islamic History
Arabic language understanding is a must to understand the meaning of the Quranic verses. It’s important to understand the Arabic language to understand the Quran & hadith properly, to implement the actual meaning in real life, to value Islamic morals and values, and also to communicate those understandings with each other. TUITS ensures the young kids get authentic Qur’anic Language, understand & pronounce it properly receive Islamic Studies & History knowledge through our highly experienced teacher.
English Language & Literature
English language learning will allow you to communicate effectively with people from all over the world, making traveling a lot easier and helping you to learn more about different cultures. The importance of the English language can be seen in almost every aspect of our lives. TUITS has given immense importance to educating the kids with authentic English pronunciation and punctuation as the curriculum is Cambridge Certified and also engages kids in communicating themselves in English.
Computer Science, Mathematics & Digital Literacy
Generally, computer science refers to designing and building computers and computer programs. Information technology, on the other hand, refers to maintaining and troubleshooting those computers and their networks, systems, and databases to ensure they run smoothly. Alongside textbook studies, TUITS also engages their kids in using the school's own school software system in which the school information, curriculum & other necessary information are provided in detail for students' understanding. It also emphasizes providing good teaching in mathematical classes so that the students will be more capable in their future in executing mathematical activities with great confidence and accuracy.
Co-Curriculum Functions:
The importance of cultural programs in schools is growing. It creates a sense of belonging and national pride, teaches tolerance, offers options to individuals who are not fluent in English, allows for personal development and prepares students for work and life. Our cultural programs help students develop a global perspective, their values and the tools to achieve them. Students are encouraged to assume leadership and positive ethical behavior within our school community and beyond. We offer many opportunities for students to learn about other cultures, traditions, beliefs and languages through visits to local museums; guided excursions and performances; field trips; as well as through participation in our academic curriculum.

Other than the above topics, TUITS designed its curriculum in order to give students a fulfilled education in various arenas. This includes teaching Geography & Social Science, Bengali Language, Bangladesh Studies & Co-curricular Activities, Exercise, Outings & Sports which not only develop the students with knowledge but also prepare them as future leaders of the nation.